Who We Are

The Family of Faith (FOF) is a Catholic Covenant Community based in New Jersey, USA.  We come from different professions, occupations and state of life.  We have married, single, senior and young adult members.   Although our members come from various parts of New Jersey and its neighboring states, we meet regularly as a community in a common place.

Our Origins

Family of Faith was formed in 1993 when a  small group of Filipinos in New Jersey, who have been part of the Charismatic renewal in the Philippines and in the US, responded to God's call to be a community where they can grow and be nurtured in their life in the Holy Spirit and experience the support of fellow Christians who share the same conviction and commitment to Christ as His disciples.  What started out as a small prayer group has now grown into a community of disciples with a well-placed structure of service, spiritual support, and teaching and formation program.
The Lord continues to form us as a community.  And through the years, we have experienced God's love and guidance through His words,  in the life of the community, and in the lives of its individual members.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to live a life of prayer and holiness, take on the ways of God and become witnesses of God's love to others. We are committed to love and serve one another and the greater Church.

 Our vision is to be a Catholic Covenant Community with a common way of life that expresses God's truth and word in action.

In Unity With All Christians

We desire to live out our lives and mission in unity with all who love the Lord and are called to serve Him. We wish to work in harmony with those who exercise roles of pastoral authority in the Catholic Church. In addition, we wish to cooperate with all Christians according to the call of Vatican II (Unitatis Redintegratio).  By our ecumenical unity and collaboration we want to witness to the unity God intends for all His people.

Our Commitment

Seeking to follow the Lord's command, we have committed our lives to one another in a covenant of love and mutual support.  We have also expressed explicitly to one another our commitment to support the life of the community - our pattern and way of life, God's work,  and the mission He has given us in unity.

Our Logo

Our logo is a cup with tongues of flame inside.  There are significant references of the "cup" in the Scriptures:  Matthew 10:42Mark 10:39, Luke 22:20, 1 Corinthians 10:16.  

The cup also symbolizes family hospitality, family life or a common life shared in a family.  Our Community is like a blessing cup that we offer freely and joyfully to God and to His people. 

The flame represents the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.   We are a Charismatic community which derives its existence, direction, and strength from the power of the Holy Spirit.  
"For in him we live and move and have our being" - Acts 17:28 

Our logo is an image of what we are as community: A Family empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a light in the world.

What We Stand For

With others in The Sword of the Spirit we are renewal communities and movements that corporately and individually stand and work for:

Conversion to Christ and Christian Maturity​ 

We help lead individuals and families to conversion to Christ and Christian maturity.

Charismatic Spirituality 

We help people experience the presence and power of the Holy Spirit so that they may live and serve in a more spiritually effective way.

Love and Worship of God​ 

We foster the love and worship of God and a life that is lived for his glory.

Christian Personal Relationships and Community

We foster Christian personal relationships and community as a support and focus for ongoing Christian life.

Daily Life in Christian Character 

We develop a way of life which allows the gospel to be fully lived and an approach to being a Christian which supports the full living of the gospel.

Commitment to Evangelization

We carry out direct evangelization particularly in non–Christian or de–Christianized environments.

The Family Of Faith is a member of

The Family of Faith is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.

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